Issuing Full and Partial Refunds

This document will walk you through issuing a full or partial refund for any transaction in Sportsman Web.  Typically, refunds are processed patron by the patron.  It is important to keep in mind that refunds can be full or partial and the patron can be removed from the activity registration or reservation or can remain on it.   There is also a batch utility for applying for refunds across the board, however, this utility will not remove or delete a registration or reservation.  For Information regarding the Batch Credit Utility, please see the Issuing Credits with Batch Credit Utility document, or contact a Sportsman support representative at 801-572-3570.

NOTE: Processing refunds requires Sportsman User permissions granted by your Administrator.  Completing a refund directly to a credit card account is done through your credit card gateway if you have integrated credit card payments with Sportsman.  Some gateways will allow refunds through Sportsman and some require you to enter the refund manually using the payment gateway’s website outside of Sportsman.  In some cases, a Sportsman site has been configured by an Administrator to not allow credit card refunds through the Sportsman Application, and must be done in a different manner.

 This document will go over:

  • Understanding Refunds

  • Full Refunds

  • Partial Refunds