Gender Classifications in Web

Additional gender options can now be established in Sportsman.  Specifically, you can add additional customized options such as Not Listed, Prefer Not To Say, Transgender, etc.  By default, the options remain Male and Female.

If you do not need to or desire not to record gender in your environment, you can choose to remove the Gender field from the in-house application, ActivityReg, or both.

Establishing best practices would dictate you define the fewest number of options.  If gender is a sensitive topic in your market and you don’t really need it, we recommend you simply remove it from the system configuration.  Do not remove it by simply deleting all the options under File Maintenance, but rather remove the gender selection option from your site configuration.  Any gender information collected will be available in reporting. 

This document will cover:

  • Adding Gender Options

  • Removing Gender Entry