Predefined Timeslots

Click the top-level facility you want to add a facility to. With the top-level facility highlighted, click the [+ Add New Under Selected Item] button.

This will open the facility settings for your new sub-level facility.

Most facility settings will be the same regardless of the Reservation Type Selected.

Pricing and Availability - Predefined Timeslots

To add timeslots, click the [+ Add] button on the left side of your screen. This will let you add a "Single Slot" or "Multiple Slots".

To add a single slot, enter the slot's open and close time and pick the days of the week you'd like this slot to be available.

You can override the resident and nonresident fees for your timeslot using the "Override Fees" checkbox.

When adding multiple slots, set the earliest START time and the latest START time, and pick the length for the slots you want to add, then click "Generate Slots". You can preview the slots in the "Available Time Slots" box on the right side of your screen.

Click [OK] to close that menu.

Below the "Available Time Slots" you can add a buffer between reservations and set other reservation restrictions.

Click [OK] again to save all your changes.