Freeform Sub-Level Facility

Click the top-level facility you want to add a facility to. With the top-level facility highlighted, click the [+ Add New Under Selected Item] button.

This will open the facility settings for your new sub-level facility.

Most facility settings will be the same regardless of the Reservation Type Selected. For "Freeform" reservations, the only settings that change are the Pricing and Availability settings.

Note: Selecting this reservation type also removes the option to allow Internet reservations on your Internet settings.

Pricing and Availability - Freeform

All the pricing and availability information you enter for freeform reservations is used as a template and can be changed during each reservation for this facility.

"Freeform" reservations offer the most flexibility for time and pricing but cannot be used for online reservations.

The "Reservation Open Time" and Reservation Close Time" should be used to set the entire

To learn more about the other settings on facilities, please click the button below "Facility Settings"