Enabling Patron Pictures

As an option, you can show the patron’s profile picture on the account screen of the ActivityReg patron registration website. The account screen is only visible if they are logged in. You may also allow the patron to upload a new picture that will replace the existing profile picture. The upload feature is a sub-option to displaying the picture, due to the intensity of data transfer, this is a Cloud Hosted feature only.

***Note*** Some facilities may find it optimal to display the picture, but not allow customers to change it if they are using it for admittance purposes. In that scenario, it could be possible for patrons to change the picture and lend their pass card/keyfob to any other patron.

Prerequisites:  This feature works with the Core and ActivityReg modules, it does not require Membership.

This document will cover:

  • Enabling the Account Pictures

  • Uploading a New Picture

  • Deleting a Patron Picture