Defining Programs

This document will provide step-by-step instructions on how to define and manage activities under the registration type “Programs”.  In Sportsman, we refer to creating your activities available for registration as “Defining” them.  It is very important that you understand the various Registration Methods before setting up any activities and are aware of the other registration types available.   The Programs method is a great option for setting up classes or daily events such as fitness classes, after-school events, art classes, day camps, etc. Under Programs, you have the option to limit the number of patrons per class and schedule out multiple days a week. You can create as many activities for registration and organize them in your hierarchy under categories and subcategories.  You can also assign fees and discounts, decide whether to allow registrations through your ActivityReg patron registration website, establish required registration questions, and many more options.

This document will cover:

  • Creating a Program

    • Registration Tab

    • Default Fees Tab

    • Notes Tab

    • Internet Tab

    • Questions Tab

    • Discounts Tab

  • Creating Class Parameters