Getting Started

You can now automatically send pre-drafted emails to your patrons upon registration or at scheduled dates and times. These emails utilize a sleek and user-friendly template builder for your emails to help you draft custom templates for your specific needs.

Sportsman utilizes an integration with SendGrid to provide this automated emailing functionality. If you don't already have SendGrid, please get in touch with our support team for more information at 801-572-3570 opt 2.

Adding New Email Templates

  1. First, you need to create a template to use with your email notification

  2. Log into SendGrid

    1. Click "Email API" then "Dynamic Templates"

    2. Select [Create a Dynamic Template] in the top right of SendGrid Reference Image 1

    3. Give your template a name and [Create] the template

      1. In this example, I'll create a welcome message for newly registered patrons

      2. The template name will be "Welcome Message"

    4. Find your new template in the "TEMPLATE" list and click on it to show the template versions

    5. Click [Add Version]

    6. You now have the option to create a "Blank Template" or use one of the "SendGrid Email Designs."

      1. SendGrid has several designs that you can choose from and customize to your liking Reference Image 2

      2. After choosing your template choose "Design Editor" for your editing experience; unless you plan to code your template design in HTML Reference image 3

    7. Once you've chosen your starting point, we can now customize your email template

Customizing Email Templates

For this example, I am using the "Flexible Welcome Email Template" provided by SendGrid.

  1. You can customize the text, images, button links, and more

  2. SendGrid defines each section of the template as a "Module"

  3. While editing the template, click the "Build" option on the top left of the editor

    1. This will display a list of different modules you can drag and drop into your template Reference Image 1

  4. Once a module is added to your template, click on the module to edit the information it displays

    1. After clicking the module a new menu will open on the left side of your screen, the settings in this menu are specific to the module you have selected Reference Image 2

  5. Any text you wish to include in your template can be added by typing inside of a "Text" module on the main body of the template

    1. As part of your template, you may want to pull the name of your activity into SendGrid automatically

    2. While creating or editing a Program or Team Sport in Sportsman you'll see an option for "Notifications"

      1. After clicking the "Notifications" tab, [+ Add] a new notification

      2. On the right side, you'll see "Template Fields" that you can use to pull data from Sportsman into your email notification
        Reference Image 3

Scheduling an Email Notification

There is an option for "Notifications" when creating or editing a Program or Team Sport in Sportsman.

  1. After selecting the "Notifications" option, click [+ Add]

    1. This will open a menu to schedule an email notification Reference Image 1

  2. Give your notification a description that helps you identify what this notification is for

  3. Choose the SendGrid template you intend to use with this notification

  4. Set your "Time/Trigger"

    1. This is when the email notification will be sent

      1. You can choose to send the email on a specific day and time

      2. Or when a patron registers for this activity

  5. If you use the "Subject" and "Body" template fields on your template in SendGrid, you'll need to fill out the "Message Subject" and "Message Body" in Sportsman

    1. The email template will replace "{{{BODY}}}" and "{{{Subject}}}" on the email template with the text you type in those respective fields in Sportsman

  6. You can now "Send Test Notification" to yourself to verify the template looks how you expect it to Reference Image 2

  7. Click [OK] to save your changes and [OK] again to save the activity

  8. Your email notification will now be sent at the specified time, including the information from the template and notification you built in Sportsman.